If You Are Looking For ACTUAL Results….
THE UNSEXY, NO BS WAY TO ACTUALLY GETTING RESULTS….. The REAL VS BS….I’m sure you have heard it all before, Ready here we go…. NEW YEAR – NEW YOU….(yawn) 6 Week…Challenge, Transformation or the “best” CONTEST A contest to show I’m out of shape…NO THANKS! $1 down and only YADA YADA a month…They know you […]
No “NEW YEAR – NEW YOU” BS here….
Don’t panic….This isn’t another “NEW YEAR – NEW YOU” article. There are enough of those posts, TV & Radio spots..…So let’s SKIP all the NEW YEAR BS No 6 Week Challenges, No Transformation Contests, No waking up at ZERO DARK THIRTY and being FREAKING MISERABLE…or joining the GLOBO GYM for a $1 down…Nonsense If all […]
Are you STUCK?…….And BORED with the GYM?
Are you STUCK?……..BORED with the GYM? So were most of our members. We will help you set fitness goals and make a plan to reach them, it’s easier than you think and it CAN be a FUN and exciting process, as our PROGRAMS aren’t BORING and they are a BLAST. Just ask any of our […]
Need Help with GOALS? Then check this out!
Congratulations…you’ve made the decision to start exercising to improve your health…..Just like these folks did! But how do you get started? This is a common question I receive from prospective clients—or those who are completely new to exercise. The best advice I can give is this: You need to set goals you want to accomplish—then […]